Y.I.S. Benefits has been helping people feel safer since 2011, providing our clients with the best Individual Insurance coverage available in the industry. We are a full service agency who specialize in insurance for all ages. Whether you are need of insurance for your personal life or your family’s, we have the experience to help you find the policy that’s right for you.
Take the confusion out of Medicare with Y.I.S. Benefits
Peace of Mind
Y.I.S. has been servicing Medicare recipients since 2011
Family Approach
We are family run and our clients all become family
Tailored Coverage
We work with over 50 providers to assure you the best solution for YOU
Medicare Coverage
Medicare is a health insurance program from the federal government, administered by CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services). Medicare is generally available to anyone 65 or older and to those under 65 with certain disabilities. Whether you are looking for a Medicare Supplement or a Medicare Advantage plan, we work with top carriers to provide you the absolute best in coverage.
With a Medicare Supplement, Insurance (Medigap) policy, sold by private companies, can help pay some of the health care costs that Original Medicare doesn't cover, like copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles.
What is a Medicare Supplement?
Medicare Supplements are Standardized
Only the cost will differ. We work with over 20 providers to ensure our clients have the best plan at the lowest cost.
With a Medicare Supplement you can see any doctor in the country that accepts Medicare. You are not limited to a network.
Also with Medicare Supplements, you do not need referrals to see specialists. You can just schedule an appointment.
No Networks & No Referrals
Medicare Supplements Offer Worldwide Coverage
Your Medigap policy may offer additional coverage for health care services or supplies that you get outside the U.S. Standard Medigap Plans C, D, F, G, M, and N provide foreign travel emergency health care coverage when you travel outside the U.S.
What is Medicare Advantage?
Part C is the part of Medicare that allows private health insurance companies to provide Medicare benefits. These Medicare private health plans, such as HMOs and PPOs, are known as Medicare Advantage Plans.
Medicare Advantage offers a combination of what Medicare Parts A&B cover, but also offer prescription coverage within the same plan.
Medicare Advantage Typically Includes Part D
Medicare Advantage Typically has little to no premium.
Medicare Advantage is like a pay as you go program. You typically pay a co-pay if you see a doctor or if you are hospitalized. Since Medicare Advantage plans get a monthly fee from the government to cover the healthcare costs of members, this allows the providers the ability to offer low cost plans.
Benefits that some Medicare Advantage offer that are not available with either Original Medicare (Parts A&B) or a Medicare Supplement.
Dental Benefit
Vision Benefit
Hearing Benefit
Silver Sneakers (free gym membership)
Many Medicare Advantage plans offer added benefits such as dental, vision and hearing
We are Your Insurance Solution
From Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Medicare, Dental and Annuities, Y.I.S. Benefits has the best products for your needs.